SNOO Was This Twin Mom’s Not-So-Secret Weapon
Before Alyssa Charlow—aka the Twin Mommy Manager—was bossing twin-mom life with her two littlest littles (boy-girl twins Carson and Kamora), she was trying to navigate newborn life with her oldest son, Caden.
At the time, she was working a full-time job in corporate America, her husband was a manager, and the lack of shut-eye was making their days very challenging. This was when Alyssa learned about SNOO.
“It was really difficult to get a good night’s sleep, so I said to my husband, ‘how much do you value sleep?’ He said, ‘sleep is priceless,’” Alyssa remembers. “In my head, I thought he meant, ‘just buy a SNOO.’ If sleep is priceless, it doesn’t matter how much it costs.”
She ordered SNOO that night and didn’t mention it to her husband until that big brown box showed up on their doorstep.
“He asked me what it was, and I told him it was something to help Caden to sleep,” she says. “It was life-changing from there.”
Based on their positive experience with Caden, Alyssa knew they’d use SNOO for their second child. But while she anticipated adding one more kiddo to their crew, she hadn't planned for two.
“When we found out we were pregnant we were excited, but when we found out we were having twins, I’m such a planner by nature, I said oh my gosh twins, what are we going to do?”
Welcoming two new babies meant they needed to get a new home, new car, and double up on everything…including SNOO. And on top of the challenges of having twins, there was a global pandemic to contend with as Alyssa prepared to give birth in the summer of 2020.
“It was very emotional; I didn’t know if I would have to deliver myself,” she says. “And with twins it was uncharted territory, but one thing we knew we had in our back pocket was SNOO, so at least we’d be able to sleep.”
Fortunately, having SNOO at home made the transition from the hospital (which included a NICU stay for both babies) much easier for the whole family.
“When it comes to childbirth, we moms don’t take care of ourselves like we should. A key factor is rest and sleep. It’s so important to get a quality night’s rest. You’re better for yourself, your family, and your peers. And SNOO has truly helped us.”
Like everything else in her life, Alyssa’s appreciation for SNOO has doubled during this journey.
“You don’t have time to hold the twins all night long like you would with a single birth,” she says. “You have that mom guilt because you want to hold both, but in some cases you just can’t. What’s great about SNOO is they are still getting that comfort as though they were in the womb.”
Alyssa now eagerly spreads the word about SNOO among her friends and mom groups. And though she understands why some parents balk at the price (after all, she and her husband did have to buy two of everything), she still tells all the parents she encounters that SNOO is well worth it.
“People say it’s really expensive, but I say, what kind of price can you put on a good night’s sleep?” she says. “There are so many things you can remove from your registry. Our kid’s favorite toy was a plastic bottle, so even though toys are cute, their longevity doesn’t measure up. Instead, invest in something that will not only be successful for your child but for your whole family, and that’s rest, that’s sleep—something you and your child need every night.”
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