Second Trimester Symptoms and Solutions
You may have said ‘goodbye’ to morning sickness, but this trimester isn’t without its challenges.
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5 Quick Tips on How to Care for a Pregnant Partner
Easy and quick tips on how to care for a pregnant woman—that anyone can do!
7 Things to Consider When Choosing a Baby Name
You don't realize how many people you dislike until you have to name a baby.
Should I Squat During Delivery?
Squatting during delivery is a wonderful tool to help bring the baby down... learn why.
Stages of Labor
The day your baby is born will likely be the most memorable and beautiful day of your life. But moms know, it’s not all rainbows and butterflies!
What Can My Baby See and Hear Inside the Womb?
Many expecting parents play Mozart to make their baby smarter....while there’s no real science to support that, your baby can hear and see inside the womb!
What is an Episiotomy and How Can I Avoid Needing One?
Episiotomies used to be done routinely...but how do doctors feel about them now?