Prenatal Appointment Schedule

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Your home pregnancy test let you know loud and clear: You’re expecting a baby! Congrats! And while you may be itching to shout your big news from the rooftops, for many parents-to-be, the first call they make is not to their parents or their best friends…but to their doctor. And that’s a smart move. After all, The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends you reach out to your healthcare provider to set up a prenatal appointment as soon as you think you may be pregnant. But that doesn’t mean your OB/GYN or midwife will want to see you right away. To find out when you need to start your prenatal visits—how often you should go and what to expect at each prenatal visit—keep reading.
Prenatal Appointment Schedule
Since 1930, 12 to 14 in-person prenatal visits have been the go-to recommendation for healthy pregnancies in America, which shakes out to:
Weeks 4 to 28 of pregnancy: One prenatal visit every 4 weeks (once a month)
Weeks 28 to 36 of pregnancy: One prenatal visit every 2 weeks (twice a month)
Weeks 36 to 41 of pregnancy: One prenatal visit every week (once a week)
Your physician or midwife may ask you to come in for prenatal check-ups more often if you have a high-risk pregnancy or if you are at a so-called “advanced maternal age.”
Or your doctor might schedule fewer prenatal visits. That’s because ACOG and the University of Michigan convened an independent panel of maternal care experts in 2021 to review the current prenatal visit schedule—and that panel recommended eight to 10 prenatal visits for pregnancies without chronic medical conditions. Since formal guidance from ACOG is forthcoming, the revised schedule is not yet the norm. But if you and your care provider decide on a reduced schedule, you can rest assured that this newfangled approach is more on par with peer countries that have better maternity outcomes than here in America. Based on the panels’ recommendations, a prenatal care schedule for a healthy pregnant person between 18 and 35 years old can look like this:
Weeks 7 to 10 of pregnancy: First ultrasound and risk assessment
Weeks 6 to 28 of pregnancy: One prenatal visit every 4 to 6 weeks
Weeks 28 to 36 of pregnancy: One prenatal visit every 2 to 4 weeks
Weeks 36 to 41 of pregnancy: One prenatal visit every week or every 2 weeks
Some prenatal genetic testing and other lab work can either be completed within the limited appointment timeframe—or separately. For example, if you have an in-person visit at 9 weeks, but that’s too early to complete prenatal genetic testing, you can return for a separate lab draw one week later.
Can I do virtual prenatal appointments?
If you’re healthy and free of any pregnancy complications, ACOG/University of Michigan panel (called MiPATH) notes that about half of your prenatal appointments can be virtual…if you and your care provider decide that this is the best option.
These four prenatal visits must be in person:
First prenatal visit
28-week prenatal visit
36-week prenatal visit
39-week prenatal visit
These visits can be either in person or conducted with telemedicine.
16-week prenatal visit
22-week prenatal visit
32-week prenatal visit
38-week prenatal visit
If you and your care provider agree to divide up your prenatal visits between in-person prenatal checkups and virtual, you’ll likely need instructions and supplies, such as:
Blood pressure cuff
Fetal Doppler (aka electronic fetal heart rate monitor) to check Baby’s heartbeat
Doppler gel, to be used with the heartbeat monitor
Tape measure that includes centimeters to measure fundal height, which is the distance from the pubic bone to the top of the uterus
You’ll be instructed how to use all of the above and how to upload this data into a secure network roughly 48 hours before your appointment, so your provider has time to review these measurements before your virtual appointment.
First-Trimester Prenatal Care Visits
Because not everyone has their first prenatal care visit during the same week of pregnancy, the timing of subsequent visits may differ from others. For instance, if your first prenatal visit was at week 8, your next appointment would likely be four weeks later, at 12 weeks pregnant. But if, your initial appointment was earlier, your second appointment may be earlier, too!
As long as your appointments are spaced out properly—and you are getting prenatal tests and vaccines during the proper window—it’s all good! In your first trimester, you’ll likely have a prenatal visit every month. (The first trimester spans from zero to 13 weeks of pregnancy.) Here’s what to expect:
Appointments will be brief. (But they’re important!)
You’ll be weighed. During your first trimester, you’ll likely gain between 2 and 4 pounds.
Your blood pressure will be checked. Because blood pressure fluctuates, if your numbers come up high, your doc or midwife will likely redo your reading. (An ideal blood pressure result is less than 120/80 mm Hg.)
You’ll hear Baby’s “heartbeat.” What you’re truly hearing is fetal cardiac activity. It’ll take until 17 to 20 weeks until the chambers of the heart develop and can be detected on an ultrasound.
You’ll pee in a cup. Your care provider will collect a urine sample to test for sugar or protein to screen for gestational diabetes and high blood pressure.
Questions to Ask During First Trimester Prenatal Visits
Your prenatal appointments are the ideal time to discuss any questions, including:
What type of prenatal vitamins should I take?
Are other medications or supplements safe?
Is sex safe during pregnancy?
Can I continue my exercise routine? Should I tamp down (or ramp up) my workouts?
How can I tame my morning sickness? And when will it end?
What other symptoms can I expect? When should I call you?
What’s my due date?
What’s your advice regarding prenatal genetic testing?
What hospital or birth center do you deliver at?
Will you be the one to deliver my baby?
First Prenatal Appointment
It’s best to see your healthcare provider before you get pregnant, so you can go over your health history, get up to date on vaccinations, discuss medications or pre-existing medical conditions—and start on prenatal vitamins—ahead of conception. But if that ship has sailed, no worries! It’s recommended that you begin regular prenatal care visits sometime between 7 weeks and 10 weeks of pregnancy, often starting at 8 weeks of pregnancy. (At times, your care provider will have you come in between 4 weeks and 6 weeks pregnant.)
Regardless of the timing, your first prenatal appointment is usually the longest one and it must be conducted in person. You’ll be asked about your family and medical history (this family health history tool from the Surgeon General will help you get organized), your pregnancy history, medications and supplements you may be on, any unhealthy habits you may be engaged in, and the date of your last period. You can expect a complete physical exam, likely including:
Pregnancy test
Weight and height check
Blood pressure check
Breast exam
Pelvic exam
Pap test
Urine test to looks for signs of a bladder or urinary tract infection
Check blood type
Screen for anemia
Screen for diabetes
Check Rh status, which is a specific protein on red blood cells that requires special care
Check immunity for rubella and chickenpox, unless proof of vaccination is documented in your medical history
Test for infections, such as hepatitis B, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV
Listen for embryonic cardiac activity if your visit is before 8 weeks; listen for fetal cardiac activity after 8 weeks
If you haven't yet gotten your annual flu shot, you should talk to your healthcare provider about receiving it at this appointment. (Influenza can be much more dangerous during pregnancy.)
First Prenatal Visit Ultrasound
ACOG recommends that you have at least one standard ultrasound exam during your pregnancy, usually between 18 and 22 weeks of pregnancy. That means the first-trimester ultrasound is not standard.
If you do get a first-trimester ultrasound, you may be expecting the jelly-and-wand-on-the-belly ultrasound. But for early pregnancy a transvaginal ultrasound is often the go-to ultrasound because it can reliably identify normal and abnormal pregnancies—and various developmental markers—earlier than an abdominal ultrasound. With a vaginal ultrasound (aka transvaginal or fetal ultrasound), a wandlike device is placed in your vagina to send sound waves and create an image. The info gathered from this first trimester ultrasound—coupled with the date of your last menstrual period—will help your care provider determine your due date. PS: Your due date is not a prediction of when you’ll deliver your baby! It’s the date that you’ll be 40 weeks pregnant. Very few people give birth on their due dates. In fact, many first-timers go up to two weeks after their due date before their bundle arrives.
10 to 13 Week Prenatal Appointment: Genetic Screening
In addition to your standard check-up, at this appointment you’ll likely be offered one of two screening tests…
First-Trimester Screening
The first-trimester screening is a blood test that measures two pregnancy-specific substances, plus an ultrasound. The ultrasound is called a nuchal translucency screening (NT ultrasound exam) and it measures the thickness at the back of Baby’s neck. Unusual results can mean that your baby-to-be is at an increased risk for Down syndrome (trisomy 21), another type of chromosomal abnormality (trisomy 18), and/or a physical defect of the heart, abdomen, and/or skeleton. With this test, the detection rate for Down syndrome and trisomy 18 is roughly 80%. This screening is also part one of something called sequential integrated screening (or integrated screening test.) Part two occurs during your second trimester and helps to more accurately highlight your baby-to-be’s possible risks.
Cell-Free DNA Screening (cfDNA)
This blood test (aka non-invasive prenatal testing) can be done as early as 10 weeks to detect more than 99% of Down syndrome cases, 97% of trisomy 18 pregnancies, and about 87% of trisomy 13 pregnancies. It can also tell you your baby’s sex. ACOG recommends cell-free DNA screening be discussed and offered to all pregnant patients, but it’s most often suggested to those over 35, parents who’ve had another baby with a chromosome disorder, or to folks whose first-trimester ultrasound looked abnormal. This test is not recommended for those carrying more than one baby.
If your results for either screening are abnormal, your doctor may recommend a diagnostic test called Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS). (Learn more about prenatal diagnostic tests.)
Second-Trimester Prenatal Care Visits
You’re one-third of the way through your pregnancy. The second trimester—from week 14 of pregnancy to week 26—is here! Now, prenatal visits are still spaced on a once-a-month basis for most. For each visit, your practitioner will continue to cover the basics. Here’s what’s in store:
Weight. Most gain 1 pound a week from this point forward.
Blood pressure. During the second trimester, blood pressure decreases in healthy pregnancies, but not for those who develop gestational hypertension, which can lead to preeclampsia.
Fundal height. That’s a fancy way of saying “belly size.” Your provider will measure the distance from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus to gauge your baby's growth.
Heartbeat. Just a few weeks into the second trimester (week 17) Baby’s heart chambers develop, which means you’ll hear an honest-to-goodness heartbeat thanks to a fetal Doppler ultrasound, which uses sound waves to detect the movement of blood in vessels.
Urinalysis. This’ll look for signs of infection, protein in the urine (sign of preeclampsia), and glucose (sugar). Too much sugar in your urine may signify gestational diabetes, which can develop in the second trimester, sometimes as early as week 20 of pregnancy.
Fetal movement. Between 16 and 20 weeks of pregnancy you’ll likely start noticing some baby flutters. Expect your OB/GYN or midwife to start asking about them at that time. (PS: If this is your first, it’s common not to feel a thing till 20 weeks.)
Questions to Ask During Second-Trimester Prenatal Visits
Some questions you might want to ask during your second trimester include:
When will I feel my baby move and kick?
Is spotting normal in the second trimester?
Is sex still safe?
Should my exercise routine change in the second trimester?
What symptoms are normal? What symptoms are abnormal?
What complications can arise this trimester?
What kind of exercise can I do?
When should I start sleeping side-sleeping?
When should I tour the hospital or birth center?
What birthing class, infant CPR, breastfeeding, and baby care classes do you recommend?
16 to 20 Week Prenatal Appointments: Second Trimester Screening
In addition to the standard tests and screeners that occur during each of your second trimester prenatal visits, any appointment between week 16 of pregnancy and week 18 is the ideal time to get your second-trimester triple or quad screening. (You can get these as early as week 15 and as late as 22 weeks pregnant.) And, if you got your first-trimester screening (blood test and NT ultrasound), you may be getting the second half of the sequential integrated screening test. If any of these—or prior—tests come back indicating an elevated risk of birth defects, an amniocentesis may be performed during this timeframe.
Triple Screening
The second-trimester triple screening is a blood test that measures for three specific proteins and hormones: alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and estriol (uE3). The amount of these substances can help determine the likelihood that your baby-to-be may have a birth defect, such as Down syndrome, spina bifida, or anencephaly.
Quad Screening
The second trimester quad screening also involves checking how much AFP, hCG, and uE3 are circulating in your blood—plus one more test for the hormone inhibin A (inhA).
Sequential Integrated Screening
This is also called combined first- and second-trimester screening. Part one of this two-part test (blood test and nuchal translucency ultrasound) occurred between 10 and 13 weeks of pregnancy. And between 15 weeks and 20 weeks pregnant, the second part of the sequential integrated screening takes place. Here, a new blood sample will be taken to measure the same four proteins and hormones as the quad screening: AFP, hCG, uE3, and inhA. The first-trimester portion of this test yields a roughly 80% detection rate for Down syndrome and trisomy 18. But when the results of those tests are then reviewed alongside this new blood test, the detection rate bumps to 90% for Down syndrome and trisomy 18—and 80% detection rate for open neural tube defects.
18 to 22 Week Prenatal Appointment: The Anatomy Scan
By now, you know the deal with the weight checks, the blood pressure screening, and the like. And during one of your second-trimester appointments between 18 and 22 weeks, you’ll get an ultrasound. That means, this prenatal appointment will be longer than others. It may take up to 45 minutes to do the ultrasound alone!
The Anatomy Scan
While often dubbed the 20-week ultrasound, the anatomy scan (or anomaly scan) can be performed any time between 18 and 22 weeks of pregnancy. Here, the ultrasound technician will jelly your belly and use a 2D, 3D, or a 4D ultrasound wand over your abdomen to look at your baby-to-be’s physical development, the placenta, and your organs. Here’s some of what your healthcare team will be looking for:
Listen for any abnormal heart rhythms
Detect congenital disorders
Detect anatomical abnormalities
Check umbilical cord for blood flow
Ensure the placenta isn’t covering the cervix
Measure amniotic fluid
Measure baby to ensure they’re growing appropriately for their age
Learn sex of your growing baby, if you chose
24 Week Prenatal Appointment: The Glucose Test
Weight? Check. Blood pressure? Check. Urine screening? Check. And now for a little something different…the glucose tolerance test! If you’re not at an elevated risk for gestational diabetes, you’ll get the glucose screening test anytime between 24 and 28 weeks pregnant. (High-risk moms-to-be get tested earlier.) For this test, you drink down a special (super-sweet) sugar mixture…then cool your heels for an hour. Once time’s up, your blood will be drawn to check your blood sugar level. If high, that may be a sign that you have gestational diabetes. Your care provider will have you do another type of glucose test to confirm the results.
Third-Trimester Prenatal Care Visits
The final stretch! During your third trimester (starting at week 27), you’ll most likely see your doctor or midwife every two weeks until week 36 for your prenatal visits. After that, visit them weekly until week 40—or until Baby arrives! During your visits, you provider will check your:
Weight. You’re likely still gaining 1 pound a week by your third trimester. If you’re having twins, then you’ll be gaining more, landing somewhere between 37 to 54 pounds gained total.
Blood pressure. Expecting parents with chronic hypertension can get preeclampsia in their second or third trimester and super-high BP that begins during this timeframe is called gestational hypertension.
Fundal height. Fun fact: After week 24 of pregnancy, fundal height often matches the number of weeks pregnant you are, plus or minus 2 centimeters.
Urinalysis. Your urine will be screened for signs of preeclampsia, toxemia, and sugar.
Fetal movement. It’s perfectly normal to feel Baby kicking and moving a lot early in your third trimester…but feeling fewer movements as the weeks stretch on. That’s because there’s less room for your baby to move!
Baby position. Your midwife or OB/GYN will check the position of your baby-to-be during most of your third trimester prenatal appointments by simply touching your abdomen
Questions to Ask During Third-Trimester Prenatal Visits
Here are some questions you may be thinking about in the home-stretch of pregnancy:
Can we talk about my birth plan?
Can you recommend any postpartum doulas?
In what ways will my baby’s movements change this trimester?
How much swelling of hands and feet is normal?
What happens if my water breaks at home?
How can I tell the difference between labor and Braxton Hicks?
When should I go to the hospital or birthing center for delivery?
What are my pain management options?
Who will be with me throughout my labor?
How likely is it that I’ll need a C-section?
What support is available if I choose to breastfeed?
What’s the difference between baby blues and postpartum depression?
How can I prepare for my own postpartum care at home?
How soon can I see you for my postpartum checkup?
27 to 36 Week Prenatal Appointments
Between 27 and 36 weeks, you’re likely seeing your provider every other week. You can expect many familiar pokes and prods…plus, at one of your appointments, a new poke: your Tdap vaccine.
This must-get shot offers protective antibodies that you then pass on to your baby before birth to help shield them from whooping cough, a potentially deadly disease that babies are most vulnerable to during their first few months of life. Because the number of antibodies in your body decreases over time, it’s important to get the Tdap vaccine during each pregnancy, even if you’ve been previously vaccinated. Doing so lowers your young baby’s risk of whooping cough by 78%, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Try to get the shot as close to 27 weeks pregnant as possible, since the protective antibodies peak roughly two weeks post-vaccine—and it takes some time to pass them on to your baby.
You’ll also be screened for depression in this window. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends routine depression screening in all pregnant and postpartum women. While the group doesn’t specify when exactly, a 2020 review in The Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine notes that depression screening should occur at the initial prenatal visit and again in the last trimester.
32 to 36 Week Prenatal Appointments
Your care provider will continue to check the position of your baby-to-be during your prenatal appointments, but by 32 to 36 weeks they’re going to really want your little one locked and loaded in the head-down position. If your doctor or midwife is unsure of your little one's exact positioning, they may perform an ultrasound to check. The reason? Babies who remain in the breech position after 36 weeks of pregnancy may need to be delivered via a planned C-section. That said, some healthcare providers may be comfortable with a vaginal breech birth. And others may offer to try and turn your baby to the head-down position while they’re still in the uterus. (Learn more about breech babies.)
36 to 37 Week Prenatal Appointments
You’re now likely seeing your care provider every week! Either during your 36 week or 37 week visit, expect all of the standard prenatal checkup to-dos—and the Group B strep test. Group B strep (GBS) is a bacteria that lives in about a quarter of all moms-to-be. It usually causes no serious concern…unless it’s passed to a newborn during labor. A newborn infected with GBS may contract meningitis, pneumonia, sepsis, or other issues. That’s why it’s important to get tested before labor begins.
Your provider will swab your vagina and your rectum and then send the sample to be examined. If it comes back positive, don’t panic! You’ll receive an IV antibiotic once labor begins to help shield your baby from being infected. The antibiotics work best when given at least four hours before delivery, preventing roughly 90% of infections.
38 Week Prenatal Appointment
Your due date is almost here! At this appointment, your care provider will continue to give a quick-check of Baby’s movements, they’ll ask some questions, and review the signs of labor with you. Your provider may also perform a pelvic exam. It’s most appropriate to do a pelvic exam if…
You think you might be in labor. Pain, bleeding, bloody show? Then your doctor or midwife will want to check to see how dilated (open) and effaced (thinned out) your cervix is.
There are other complications. If you’re dealing with an infection, premature rupture of membranes, heavy bleeding, or another potential issue, an internal exam can help your doc help you.
Induction is on the horizon. If high blood pressure, Baby growth issues, or another health issue has you on the path to induction, your care provider will want to know the state of your cervix before proceeding. The same holds true if you’re choosing to be induced.
You want to know. A pelvic exam will let you know if (and how much) your cervix is dilated and effaced. But the kicker: These signs alone won’t necessarily clue you into when labor will start!
If none of the above applies to you, you can feel free to tell your provider that you’d rather take a pass on that third trimester pelvic exam! It’s 100% okay to say no!
39 to 40 Week Prenatal Appointments
Good news: At 39 weeks, your baby is now considered full term! Expect more of the same at these quick prenatal check-ins. However, at week 39 your doctor or midwife might offer something called a membrane sweep. This is a common procedure that’s billed as a way to help induce labor. Here, your provider inserts a gloved finger into your cervix to loosen your amniotic sac from your uterus. You’ll likely experience some light bleeding, cramping, and/or mild discomfort post-sweep. Getting your membranes swept is entirely up to you and there’s no guarantee that it’ll work. In fact, a 2020 report concluded that membrane sweeping may be effective in achieving a spontaneous onset of labor…but the evidence is “low certainty.” PS: 57% of babies are born in weeks 39 to 40.
41 Week Prenatal Appointment
It’s true that there are supposed to be 40 weeks in a pregnancy…but the CDC notes that almost 5% of babies are born during week 41 and less than 1% arrive at 42 weeks or beyond. (A pregnancy that lasts 41 weeks up to 42 weeks is called late term. A pregnancy that drags on longer than 42 weeks is called post-term.) When you’re more than one week past your due date, your doctor or midwife may recommend:
Nonstress test (NST): This test utilizes an electronic fetal monitor (a belt with a sensor on your abdomen) to measure Baby’s heart rate. It generally takes about 20 minutes to perform and can be done in your provider’s office or in a hospital setting.
Biophysical profile (BPP) Here, your baby’s heart rate is monitored in conjunction with an ultrasound exam to check on your baby-to-be’s amniotic fluid, their heart rate, breathing, muscle tone, and movement.
Contraction stress test (CST): This test assesses how your baby’s heart rate changes when your uterus contracts. To create a mild contraction, you may be given IV oxytocin.)
Depending on the results of the above tests, your healthcare provider may suggest an induction.
Questions to Ask If Past Your Due Date
Is there anything I can do to safely start labor on my own?
If we decide to induce, what’s the plan?
What can I expect during labor induction?
Does induction increase my chances of a C-section?
Are there any risks to inducing labor?
How long after induction can I expect contractions to start?
More on Prenatal Care
- The Pregnancy Deficiency You Need to Know About
- Depression During Pregnancy Need-to-Know
- The 6 Nutrients You Need When Pregnant
- How to Help Round Ligament Pain
- The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG): Having a Baby
- March of Dimes: Prenatal Care Checkups
- Trends and state variations in out-of-hospital births in the United States, 2004-2017. June 2019
- The impact of family physicians in rural maternity care. Birth Issues in Perinatal Care. September 2021
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Planning for Pregnancy
- ACOG: Redesigning Prenatal Care Initiative
- ACOG: MiPATH Prenatal Care Recommendations: A How To Guide for Maternity Care Professionals
- A comparison of international prenatal care guidelines for low-risk women to inform high-value care. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. January 2020
- Kaiser Family Foundation: Telemedicine and Pregnancy Care
- Health University of Utah: Virtual Prenatal Care
- Planned Parenthood: What happens at prenatal care appointments?
- Perinatal depression: A review. The Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. May 2020
- ACOG: ACOG Guide to Language and Abortion
- CDC: Frequently Asked Influenza (Flu) Questions: 2022-2023 Season
- Kaiser Permanente: First trimester prenatal care
- ACOG: Ultrasound Exams
- Transvaginal ultrasonography in first trimester of pregnancy and its comparison with transabdominal ultrasonography. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences. July - September 2011
- Nemours Children’s Health, KidsHealth: What if My Baby Isn't Born by My Due Date?
- ACOG: Prenatal Genetic Screening Tests
- Penn Medicine: Sequential Screening (Combined First and Second Trimester Screening)
- UCSF Health: Prenatal Screening Tests
- UCSF Health: FAQ: Cell-Free DNA Screening
- ACOG: Current ACOG Guidance
- MedlinePlus: Prenatal Cell-Free DNA Screening
- Cleveland Clinic: Chorionic Villus Sampling for Prenatal Diagnosis
- Mount Sinai: Prenatal care in your first trimester
- MedlinePlus: Managing your weight gain during pregnancy
- ACOG: Preeclampsia and High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy
- Mayo Clinic: Pregnancy week by week: Healthy pregnancy
- Blood Pressure Patterns in Normal Pregnancy, Gestational Hypertension, and Preeclampsia. August 2000
- American Academy of Family Physicians: Gestational Diabetes
- Cleveland Clinic: Quickening in Pregnancy
- Stanford Medicine Children’s Health: Second Trimester Prenatal Screening Tests
- Kaiser Permanente: Triple or Quad Screening for Birth Defects
- ACOG: Amniocentesis
- Cleveland Clinic: 20-Week Ultrasound (Anatomy Scan)
- Mount Sinai: Glucose screening tests during pregnancy
- CDC: High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy
- Cleveland Clinic: Fetal Positions for Birth
- CDC: Get the Whooping Cough Vaccine During Each Pregnancy
- Screening for Depression in Adults US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement. January 2016
- Cleveland Clinic: Breech Baby
- CDC: Group B Strep (GBS)
- Cleveland Clinic: Group B Strep Pregnancy
- Northwell Health, The Well: When You Do (And Don’t) Need A Cervical Check
- National Child & Maternal Health Education Program: Know Your Terms
- Cleveland Clinic: Membrane Sweep
- Membrane sweeping for induction of labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. February 2020
- Births: Final Data for 2020. National Vital Statistics Reports. February 2022
- ACOG: When Pregnancy Goes Past Your Due Date
- Mayo Clinic: Pregnancy week by week: Overdue pregnancy: What to do when baby's overdue
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