13 Science Activities for Toddlers That Make Learning a Blast

One of the best things about toddlers and preschool-aged kids is just how curious their minds are. Everything is endlessly fascinating, sparking lots of questions about how the world works. This makes toddlers and preschoolers the perfect age to start learning all about science with these 13 super-fun, hands-on activities that you can do right at home and with minimal supplies.
DIY Raincloud Science Activity for Toddlers
Image & activity via Team Cartwright
If your child has ever wanted to know how rain clouds form then this is will be a super fun activity, especially on an actual rainy day! Just grab a mason jar, shaving cream, and food coloring and you’re ready to go.
Walking Water Science Activity for Toddlers
Image & activity via The Best Ideas for Kids
What would your child say if you told them that water can walk? With a few materials from around the kitchen, you and your kids can watch as water travels from one cup to another, culminating in a marvelous rainbow, thanks to this colorful science activity for toddlers.
DIY Bouncy Ball Science Activity for Preschoolers
Image & activity via The STEM Laboratory
Your little engineer will have a blast creating their very own bouncy balls with this simple science activity for preschoolers. You can even make your bouncy balls glow in the dark or sparkle with glitter…meaning that this science experiment can double as an art project.
DIY Stethoscope Science Activity for Toddlers
Image & activity via Team Cartwright
Got an aspiring doctor? Your mini-MD can start their rounds with a stethoscope they make all by themselves (or, okay, maybe with a little help from Chief Resident Mom or Dad). Though this tool fashioned from paper towel rolls and funnels may not look exactly like the stethoscope slung around your pediatrician’s neck, it does work! So that means with this science activity for toddlers, your kiddo can practice listening to the heartbeats of your entire household.
Water Xylophone Science Activity for Kids
Image & activity via Little Bins for Little Hands
This science activity for toddlers is minimal on materials but big on learning. Using the magic of STEM, your wannabe musicians can tap into science to create a musical instrument out of glasses and water…and then tap out tune after tune!
Will It Float? Science Activity for Toddlers
Image & activity via There’s Just One Mommy
The classic science game for toddlers ‘Will It Float?’ gets a fun update with the help of colorful plastic eggs. Have your child fill each egg with small items from around the house then make guesses about which egg will sink or float.
Lemon Volcano Science Activity for Toddlers
Image & activity via Little Bins for Little Hands
Have a blast—literally— with this fun volcano science experiment for kids that combines chemistry with natural science. Who knew a lemon could pack such a punch?
DIY Dancing Popcorn Science Activity for Toddlers
Image & activity via Chaos and Calm
It turns out that baking soda + vinegar + popcorn is the recipe for one super-awesome dance party! This toddler science experiment may change the way your kiddo looks at popcorn forever.
DIY Oobleck Science Activity for Toddlers
Image & activity via Research Parent
Sure, there are around one million slime recipes for kids…but slime lacks the fun name and back story of oobleck. This simple activity will keep your child endlessly fascinated. Not only is it a hands-on, tactile experiment but the physics behind how oobleck works is pretty cool too (Research Parent includes an explanation in their blog post!).
Nature Scavenger Hunt Science Activity for Toddlers
Image & activity via Stay At Home Mum
Print off a scavenger hunt or create your own and then spend an hour wandering in nature with your child and pointing out all the marvelous things you can find. It’s the perfect way to combine discovery, movement, and fresh air!
Fizzy Ice Cube Science Activity for Toddlers
Image & activity via Busy Toddler
This twist on the ol’ vinegar-and-baking-soda experiment, this science activity for toddlers prolongs the fun by introducing ice into the equation! Freeze baking soda and water in an ice cube tray, then let kiddos use droppers full of vinegar to dissolve them in the most spectacular way.
DIY Scale Science Activity for Toddlers
Image & activity via Go Science Kids
This science activity for kids is super simple…and you probably already own all of the materials you need! Simply rig up a scale with a hanger, string, and cups, and your kiddo can make guesses about which objects are heavier and then put them to the test.
Make Your Own Ocean Zones Science Activity for Kids
Image & Activity via I Can Teach My Child
You don’t need to travel 20,000 leagues under the sea to find out how many layers exist in the deep blue. With this simple science experiment, kids can learn about ocean layers and even look up cool facts about the different kinds of life that exist in different zones of the ocean.
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