It can be difficult to watch the new parent in your life struggle with their breastfeeding journey. They may be experiencing a lack of milk production, latching issues, or just the sheer demand on their body can send someone over the edge. Even though you can’t do the nursing, there are things you can do to make the process a little bit easier.

1. Sign Up for a Breastfeeding Class

Encourage your nursing partner to take a breastfeeding class or make an appointment with a lactation consultant before Baby comes! This will help build  confidence about the challenges that may lay ahead, and help everyone feel better prepared.

2. Set Up a Special “Breastfeeding Corner”

Include all the things they'll need while breastfeeding: rocking chair, table, breastfeeding pillow, phone charger, water cup, snacks (they'll be very hungry from all the calories burned!) and their favorite book or Kindle. They're going to be spending a lot of time there, so make it as comfortable as possible.

3. Make a “Breastfeeding Basket”

Fill it with essentials that they can move from room to room. Items they'll benefit from are nursing pads, burp cloths, tissues, nipple cream and more snacks! That way, they aren't scrambling around during feeding times.

4. Make Meals with Foods that Boost Milk Production

Foods like oatmeal, brewer’s yeast, vegetables, almonds, and sesame seeds may increase breastmilk production. That way, you’re feeding them and helping them feed the baby all at once. A great treat for new parents? Happiest Baby's Blooberry Bar for 4th Trimester Support

5. Step it Up When it Comes to Household Duties

Breastfeeding parents have a lot on their plates keeping up with hourly feedings. Another good option during the first few months is hiring a cleaning person to come once a month to do most of the deep cleaning.

6. Keep Them Company

You might not be able to feed the baby, but it doesn’t mean they have to be solo. Use feeding times as a chance to catch up on current events and ask them how they're feeling.

7. Shower Them with Encouragement

Breastfeeding is no easy task—and they just finished pregnancy and childbirth! Make sure you tell them what a great job they're doing and how amazed you are at their power.

8. Take Over Diaper Duty

Since only one parent can breastfeed, make diapers your domain.

9. Help with Feedings

Ask them to pump a bottle and take a feeding shift! Like middle-of-the-night they can get some rest.

10. Learn About Breastfeeding

Read the blogs, skim the books, watch the videos. Make sure they know you’re on this journey with them even if you can’t take the wheel.

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