Posts tagged
Who Can I See for Prenatal Care?
You may have more choices for prenatal care providers than you think!
A Guide to Pregnancy Weight Gain
Find out how much weight gain to expect during pregnancy.
VBAC: Everything You Need to Know
If you’re a c-section pro, but hoping for a vaginal birth your next go-round, it’s prime time to learn about the pros and cons of VBAC.
Is Counting Kicks in Pregnancy Necessary?
Flutters, flips, kicks, and jerks: Should you be keeping track of your unborn baby’s movements? Find out.
Prenatal Appointment Schedule
You’ll be seeing a lot of your doctor or midwife over the next 40 weeks. Find out what to expect from each appointment.
Are there Benefits to Eating Your Placenta?
Some new parents choose to eat their placenta to help ward off baby blues or increase milk supply...but does it actually work and is it safe?