To date, babies have slept in their SNOOs for over 250 million hours! That means that babies have soundly snoozed exactly the way the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends—on their backs—for the equivalent of more than 28,000 years (wow!). Not only that, but hundreds of thousands of parents have been able to rest easier knowing that their babies are secured in a safe sleeping position. Plus, they're able to sleep longer, thanks to SNOO’s ability to automatically calm crying. It all adds up to a better night’s sleep for SNOO babies and their parents. Take a look:

SNOO Sleep Stats

  • Babies who sleep in SNOO clock 1 to 2 more hours of sleep a night than babies who sleep elsewhere.
  • Most SNOO babies sleep an average of 9+ hours a night by 2 to 3 months.
  • Of parents struggling with their mental wellbeing, 70% told us that SNOO helped with the stress of new parenthood.
  • Approximately 72% of SNOO parents say they’ve never bed-shared with their babies. (Bed-sharing is a risky practice linked to infant sleep deaths).

General Sleep Stats

  • On average, a new parent loses 109 minutes of sleep every night for the first year of their baby's life.
  • Less than half (43%) of babies sleep for 8 hours at 6 months old.
  • Roughly 72% of new mothers feel moderate to high anxiety and about 41% experience depressive symptoms postpartum.
  • Only 45% of new parents follow the AAP safe-sleep recommendation of sleep in the same room, but not in the same bed.
  • 70% of parents lose more than 130 nights of sleep in their baby’s first year.

Sleep is so important because in the long term, not getting enough ZZZs increases your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and depression, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Research shows that:

  • When new moms are sleep-deprived, they can add as many as 7 years onto their “biological age.”
  • Exhaustion is a key trigger of more than 500,000 cases of postpartum depression each year.
  • Parents who get less than 5 hours sleep a night are 15% more likely to feel distance from their spouse than those who get 8 hours.
  • Infants who sleep less than 12 hours in a 24-hour period have more trouble with their language skills at 2 years old than well-rested babies. 

For us, 250 million hours is more than just a really big number—it’s all of those babies sleeping safely. It’s so many moms, dads, and caregivers who wake up feeling rested and ready for the day ahead. It’s knowing that those 250 million hours adds up to a whole lot of happier new parents, who feel just as cared for and supported as their precious little ones. 

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